Posts Tagged ‘mussolini’

Dono della bandiera al comune di Pontinia

Custodia della bandiera donata a Pontinia da Tortona

Custodia della bandiera donata a Pontinia da Tortona

Tortona il 18 Diemre 1935 fu invitata come madrina alla manifestazione di inaugurazione della città di Pontinia, per la sua storia antica e per i suoi eccezionali personaggi. La rappresentanza tortonese era capeggiata dal Podestà di Tortona e dal Vice Presidente della Società Storica Tortonense, unitamente a tre valletti che facevano da scorta al Gonfalone civico ed alla Bandiera nazionale che Tortona aveva ha offerto in dono alla giovane Pontinia.

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Con i pittori nelle paludi Pontine #1

Riportiamo di seguito l’estratto di pertinenza per il territorio di Pontinia di un’interessante studio condotto da Paolo Emilio Trastulli disponibile integralmente qui.

“Il litorale laziale da Passo Oscuro a Terracina era in buona parte caratterizzato dalla presenza di stagni e paludi. Alla destra della foce del Tevere lo sta gno di ponente proseguiva nelle terre paludose di Maccarese, per lo più sottacqua tutto l’anno; sulla sinistra del fiume, nelle vicinanze di Ostia antica , lo stagno di levante nutriva la ricca pineta di Castel Fusano dietro la quale corre fino ad Anzio il lido virgiliano dello sbarco di Enea; da Torre Astura a Terracina la spiaggia segnava il limite occidentale delle Paludi Pontine. Queste occupavano la regione compresa tra il mare e i monti Lepini, attraversata dal lunghissimo rettilineo della via Appia e solcata da rivi, fiumi e canali (Rio Martino; fiumi Sisto, Ufente, Amaseno; Canale delle Volte, per citarne alcuni); dalla tenuta di Conca (tra Cisterna e Torre Astura) fino al lido tra San Felic e e Terracina il paese era coperto dalle macchie di Cisterna e di Terracina. Territorio e paesaggio sembravano usciti dalla creazione ed erano tali da sollecitare ampiamente la fantasia degli artisti, letterati e pittori che fossero. [… omissis…]

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The Times | 15 Gennaio, 1936

The Times |  January 15, 1936

The Times | January 15, 1936

M. Laval’s Chances The new Session of the French Chamber, its last before the General Election, began formally yesterday in an atmosphere of uncertainty. The major Parliamentary com- bats of the last few months are over. M. LAVAL’S Government, challenged in turn on their Budget, their foreign policy, and the ques- tion of the political leagues, have escaped defeat -narrowly enough on the second issue-but are still faced by the determined hostility of the Socialists and Communists and by elements among the Socialist-Radicals whose one desire is to defeat the PRIME MINISTER.

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The Times | 23 Gennaio, 1936

Fall Of French Cabinet FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT PARIS JAN. 22 The existence of the Laval Govern- ment came to its expected end to-day. At a Cabinet meeting held at the Quai d’Orsay this afternoon M. Herriot and three other Radical Ministers-M. Paganon (Interior), M. Bonnet (Commerce), and M. Bertrand (Merchant Marine)-handed their letter of resignation to M. Laval. The other two Radical Ministers, M. Regnier (Finance) and M. Maupoil (Pensions) had refused to sign the letter. M. Laval then went to the Elysee, accompanied by his colleagues, and placed the collective resignation of the Cabinet in the hands of the President. M. Lebrun immediately asked M. Laval to form another Ministry, and M. Laval declined to do so. Later in the evening M. Bouisson, the President of the Chamber, also declined to form a Government. After his resignation M. Laval issued a statement for publication which the Radicals will find difficult to answer. It reads as follows:- I have handed the resignation of the Cabinet to thc

The Times |  January 23, 1936

The Times | January 23, 1936

President of the Republic, and I hav_ declined his proposal that I slhould form anothcr Ministry. I did not seek power: I accepted it last June as a *duty to my country. I believc that I have fulfilled my mission. The franc, which I was appointed to defend, is intact. Thc Budget, diminished by one-fiftlh, has been passed. The measures taken in every direction are beginning to bear fruit, and thc first signs of a recovery of industrial and agri- cultural activity are apparent. In the course of the debates in Parliamcnt the divisions between Frenchmien were appeased. Wc saw the dawn of national reconciliation. During the last few months, in the foreign field, grave diflicultics appeared.

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The Times | December 28, 1935

The Times |  December 28, 1935

The Times | December 28, 1935

M. Laval Hard Pressed FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT PARIS, DEC. 27 The debate on the policy followed by M. Laval in connexion with the Italo- Abyssinian war began in the Chamber of Deputies this afternoon. The atmosphere inside and outside the Chamber was one of unusual excitement. Not only were the galleries of the Chamber crowded to suffocation, but the neighbouring streets were encumbered with motor-cars and filled with groups of people whom the police kept moving with some difficulty. Police cordons were thrown across the principal approaches as the tide of excite- ment rose. It was known from the beginning that the debate would not finish to-day, but would be adjourned this evening until to-morrow.

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