Pontinia REWIND è l’iniziativa del portale Pontiniaweb che pubblica la rassegna stampa, anche estera, risalente all’epoca della fondazione ed inaugurazione di Pontinia per una cronaca in differita di oltre 70 anni!
Pontinia REWIND è l’iniziativa del portale Pontiniaweb che pubblica la rassegna stampa, anche estera, risalente all’epoca della fondazione ed inaugurazione di Pontinia per una cronaca in differita di oltre 70 anni!
La stampa statunitense si occupò dell’inaugurazione di Pontinia in maniera incidentale, Analogamente agli altri artcioli esteri visionati, infatti, fu il discorso del Duce, Benito Mussolini, alla cerimonia di inaugurazione del comune di Pontinia che suscito l’interesse della stampa mondiale oltre al fatto che si celebrava la prima giornata della Fede ed il capo del regime era proprio a Pontinia che suo malgrado nonostante la sua umile vocazione ha avuto ampia eco meditica facendo da sfondo a quel particolare momento storico e politco dell’Italia.
“A Fairy Tale” FROM OUR O\WN CORRESPONDEN1t ROME, DEC. IS On the anniversary of ” Wedding Ring Day” and of the defiant speech at Pontinia, Signor Mussolini to-day visited the township of Littoria, in the Pontine Marshes, and after. bestowing rewards upon a number of the most meritorious agricultural labourers made a speech summarizing the Italiin successes of the past year and reminding the nation that further trials may lie ahead. Signor Mussolini began by recalling how they had conquered the Empire in seven months and how they had pacified it in barely three months, so that there were now 115,000 labourers engaged on road building, and added: ” All this has been done in the face of everything and of everybody.”
Italy Taking Soundings FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT PARIS, JAN. 13 Signor Cerruti, the Italian Ambassador, to-day called on M. Laval, the Prime Minister, at the Quai d’Orsay. Other visitors were the Ambassadors of Belgium, Japan, and the United States. There is reason to believe that the conversation between M. Laval and Signor Cerruti related chiefly to the possibility of League intervention towards a settlement of the Abyssinian war. It is now possible to confirm the reports that Signor Mussolini is anxious for the League to appoint a committee of investi- gation to proceed to Abyssinia to report on conditions there. This proposal is in- spired by the hope that such a committee would produce a report which might lead to a basis of settlement acceptable to an Italy whose ambitions are beginning to show signs of modification. The Duce has made his hopes known tp M. Laval and has asked for his support, though without asking him to take the initiative in the matter. To the report that the task of submitting the suggestion had been ascribed to Belgium must be added another to the effect that M. Politis, the Greek Foreign Minister, has also been approached.
M. Laval’s Chances The new Session of the French Chamber, its last before the General Election, began formally yesterday in an atmosphere of uncertainty. The major Parliamentary com- bats of the last few months are over. M. LAVAL’S Government, challenged in turn on their Budget, their foreign policy, and the ques- tion of the political leagues, have escaped defeat -narrowly enough on the second issue-but are still faced by the determined hostility of the Socialists and Communists and by elements among the Socialist-Radicals whose one desire is to defeat the PRIME MINISTER.