Posts Tagged ‘estera’

Times | 16 Dicembre, 1935

The Times |  December 16, 1935

The Times | December 16, 1935

“Wedding Ring Day” In Italy FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT ROME, DEC. 15 The final touches are now being given to the elaborate arrangements of Wedding Ring Day which has been fixed for Wednesday. The latest order of the secretary of the Fascist Party says that on this day-which is also to mark the inauguration of Pontinia, the third of the new communities created in the Pontine marshes-the whole of the country must be beflagged from sunrise to sunset. A flaming crucible is to be placed near each war monument throughout the country.

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The Times | 20 Dicembre 1935

The Times |  December 20, 1935

The Times | December 20, 1935

Uneasiness In Rome FROMf OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT ROME, DEC. 19 Official Italian opinion affects to-night to see in the resignation of Sir Samuel Hoare nothing beyond a personal affair. Sir Samuel, one of the customary spokes- men suggests, resigned because he was made the target of sharp criticism, and perhaps because he wanted to faciJitate the work of his Government. Yet his recent statements on the Abyssinian problem are not regarded as cancelled. He was then speaking as a member of the British Cabinet, and as that Cabinet is still in power the Anglo-French proposals, according to the Italian view, must still hold good.

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The Times | 19 Dicembre 1934

The Times |  December 19, 1934

The Times | December 19, 1934

A scene in Holborn yesterday. RECLAMATION OF THE PONTINE MARSHES.-These pictures indicate in a striking manner the work that is being done in the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, south of Rome. Above is shown-a-stretch of-.the marshes from which will rise the town of. Pontinia, the first foundation-stone of which will be laid by Signor Mussolini to-day. Below is part of the town of Littoria, .which, with the surrounding country,,was yesterday.inaugurated by-Signor Mussolini as a-new Italian province.

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Times | 20 Agosto 1936

The Times |  August 20, 1936

The Times | August 20, 1936

Duce’s Help With Threshing FROM OUR OWVN CORRESPONDENT ROME, AUG. 19 Continuing a now well-established custom, Signor Mussolini to-dav paid his annual visit to the cornfields of the former Pontine Marshes to lend a hand in thresh- ing the grain. Early in the morning the Duce, himself piloting the aeroplane, flew from Forli to Littoria and thence drove to the township of Pontinia. Here, throw- ing off his coat, he mounted a threshing- machine and laboured for an hour under a hot sun feeding into the machine the wheat which was part of that he himself had sown in the district last December.

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Times | 29 Giugno, 1935

Il Duce trebbia il grano a Pontinia - foto e didascalia dal Times del 25/06/1935

Il Duce trebbia il grano a Pontinia - foto e didascalia dal Times del 25/06/1935

Duce’s Visit To Pontine Marshes FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT ROME, JUNE 28 Signor Mussolini yesterday made his annual visit to the reclaimed lands of Littoria and Sabaudia in the Pontine Marshes. In 1932 the harvest at Littoria was 43,065 quintals from an area of 4,115 hectares; this year the figure -will exceed 140,000 quintals from 14,102 hectares. In the same period the population has risen from 5,116 to 22,648. At Littoria, where there was a parade of 250 of its men who have volunteered for service in East Africa, Signor Musso- lini first laid. the foundation-stone of a beet sugar factory which represents the first attempt to give an industrial turn to the development of the reclaimed areas.

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